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Prayer Habit

 This month we were looking at Prayer and how it can help us navigate business. So as I have been praying, I have been experiencing a change of direction and more power to run the business.  I have also noticed how some people have two hours of prayer on Friday.  If you have been to Marabastad  on a Friday after 12:00 you might have noticed that 90% of the shops are closed. Now this shows how one should never compromise on prayer and after the prayer you just feel a change of spirit and atmosphere.  As we wrap up the month and also in Easter season  I hope we can make prayer a habit. Pray, Innovate and Add Value.


  Prayer is a way to quiet oneself and communicate with the infinite intelligence. With prayer we move from the physical realm to a dimension no mind can fathom. We connect with the greater source of life.You ask how is this relevant to business. It is very much relevant in a sense that what our spirit communicates with the source is  so profound and has an impact on our daily lives. What I am saying basically is that  we ought to pray about and for our businesses. We have to draw strength, wisdom and power to run our everyday operations from the source. You might be having problems with credit, suppliers, employees or criminals. The source will give intelligence on how to go about dealing with such. Prayer is vital and should be something we do prior opening our doors for business everyday. Take note that this has nothing to do with religion. It's about quieting our mere flesh and drawing from that which made everything we can feast our eyes upon. It's more like meditati...

Target Market.

 Appealing to the target market. In the past week I have took it upon myself to understand my target market. I reached out to them and talked to them about how they would want to buy my products and to my surprise I got  answers I was not even thinking about. Then I realised that we entrepreneurs have a fancy way of saying who our targets are and how we will reach them but these ways are not really appealing to our targets. We have these strategies we want to implement but not appealing to the market. So I thought that I had it all figured out as to how I will market my business only to find that it doesn't work. So I had to reset, rethink and restructure everything. And again I have to constantly communicate with my targets if how I am doing suites their preference.  So for this week I challenge you to REALLY look at your target and if your strategies are working. Innovate and add value.

Innovation on Sundays

Sundays Have you noticed how Sundays are chilled and how everybody wants to relax. People want fun, food and entertainment. In my business I have noticed that I make more cash flow than other days. I think entrepreneurs should explore this opportunity. Have specials on Sundays, have discounts, have entertainment, have something that will bring and make people happy.  On Sundays innovate and add value.


So here is something I noticed, people want to be millionaires, others want their businesses to grow and expand, they want to be making a turn over of Millions. The problem is that they are not putting million's worth of efforts. I am one who believe that you get what you put in. We want more, we want everything but we are doing less. Entrepreneurs must give their everything, they must sweat blood and not sleep. This is war and we need all the guns and weapons we can get our hands on. Even generally individuals have to put in efforts that are worth what they want. Innovate and Add Value


Welcome back to our blog. we firstly want to apologise for the inconsistency. In business there are a lot of challenges and one has to take a break and center themselves then start again. We are happy to announce that we are back full force with more. Thank you for your support. Innovate and Add value

Use Value!

  Under the umbrella of Venogroup we are driven by innovation and value addition.It dawned on me when I had a certain business dealing that most of the time we do not get much value for our money.  There are two things I would like to look at. First is the cash value, this is the actual paper money we have. Secondly is the use value, this is the value you get for using  a certain product/service. In a transaction there is usually these two, we pay for a service or a product.  But how often do you get value from using a certain product/service, and as entrepreneurs what value are we giving?As entrepreneurs we need to focus on the Use value.   How is your product/service adding value to your customers? I would like to take a kota for example, in a time where we  are health conscious and obesity is a disease that lurkes amongst us. What value in the contents of the  kota does one get? Is our health considered? Or rather what other options are there f...