Prayer is a way to quiet oneself and communicate with the infinite intelligence. With prayer we move from the physical realm to a dimension no mind can fathom. We connect with the greater source of life.You ask how is this relevant to business. It is very much relevant in a sense that what our spirit communicates with the source is so profound and has an impact on our daily lives.
What I am saying basically is that we ought to pray about and for our businesses. We have to draw strength, wisdom and power to run our everyday operations from the source. You might be having problems with credit, suppliers, employees or criminals. The source will give intelligence on how to go about dealing with such.
Prayer is vital and should be something we do prior opening our doors for business everyday.
Take note that this has nothing to do with religion. It's about quieting our mere flesh and drawing from that which made everything we can feast our eyes upon. It's more like meditation, it's an inside-out type of thing.
We are always taking from external sources, people telling on how you should price and other things which hardly assist in running your business.
I believe that this will set a foundation of having to connect with the creator of all and we will be able to tap into the future and bring back innovation.
Pray- Innovate and Add value.
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