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Black Friday

How do Businesses in the rural areas utilise  Black  Friday?
Health crisis Now out of all other things that can hinder your business especially when you are a start up. Your health. This is a situation that requires you to be out of office for days and and be in bed. I have been recently not feeling well and had to be on house arrest,resting for days. This has been very bad for business, I can't deliver my products, can't meet clients, can't take order, can't finished ordered products, basically I couldnt do anything. And the most challenging part is having no one to take over. It is sad becuase this is one of those things that are way out of our control. But this can be utilized very wisely as a break and way to evaluate how one has been doing business,  how can one improve and what innovations to bring on board.and one can finish reading that book they have been dreading. I would say Be sober and vigilent. Especially of what you put in your very very vigilent. Develop that Mind

In and out of season

Beating Time. 2 Timothy 4:2. "Be prepared in and out of season." Business is not always on the highs and sometimes we relax because of the state of the economy or seasons. Recently I got a call from a client on Friday that she wants a product for Sunday morning  As on Fridays we have to make rounds and check the progress of the week, I scheduled to make it on Saturday.  Come Saturday morning the client was at my door step saying she is here to take the product she ordered. I'm like to her, "No you said you wanted the product  Sunday morning". The client was saying no I want it now for 10:00, and that time it's 08:50. Now it is in this moment that we see what you are really made of and how capable you are  of working under pressure. There I was assembling  and making what the client ordered in less than an hour. It is then very important to be able to bear fruit even in dry, unplanned, short noticed and busy seasons. In finance we learned...


Failure! As humans we are scared to get out of our comfort zone and try new things because we are afraid of failure.  But we need to understand that the fear of failure paralizes us and robs of us true liberation. The magnitude of success is based on how many times one fails at something. We are afraid of taking risks in our busiensses, because we fear that we will not see it's fruits. These multi-million rand's  businesses are what they are because they have failed more than we can imagine and have lost and suffered a hundred times. And yes the education system is the one to blame because when one fails they are considered stupid.  Business requires long and dull hours of hard work where even it's success is not promised. I always say that success in not guaranteed but failure is inevitable. Let's rid ourselves of trying to avoid failure and embrace our flaws and learn and move forward. Develop that mind

Being dragged down!

Can we about the people who are supposed to support us and help us grow in business? I have seen about 80% of businesses fail because there was no money to buy stock or materials.Why? Because the business did not make any money to do that.  There has been a business in my Kasi selling cooked food. During the day relatives would come and dish themselves shocking amounts of Food saying they are just tasting.  The business didn't even run for three months and was shut down. We even have friends who want credit. I mean guys this is pure disrespect.  There are a lot of similar scenarios I can talk about but I am sure you get the picture. Why do we do that as black people? We are not helping or building anything, in fact we are tearing the foundation. I think we need discipline to call these people to order. Let's stop with tendencies that keep us stagnent and poor. Develop that mind.

Values System

Values in business In every one of us there are things that drives us and influence our decision making.In business too, we have such. This then lays a foundation on how we operate and see the world of business.  What I am referring to here is values.  Now values are what guides us in every step we take. In  business we need to have values that are very productive, have  a positive impact and not selfish. We have to be driven by empowerment, kindness, life, health,innovation, creativity and respect. This helps in a sense that how we make money  should cater  for these  values. For instance one would not sell drugs if you value the lives and the health  of others. I have seen people in business being greedy and making money in anyway possible but neglecting the fact that they are killing people. People must check their value system and re-evaluate their lives. What is the use of gaining the whole  world and...
Selling doesn't mean you are poor. Why do South Africans disregard people who are in business or who sell things? We have people who are not South African that are selling things and are doing pretty well for themselves then you find poor South Africans looking for employment? We need to deal with such a mentality that when you are selling you are the poorest of them all. Entrepreneurship should be taught in communities and we shouldn't wait for the government to come to our rescue. People we need to be moving in a different direction and shift our focus. Young people should not go to school so that they can get a job and security but to build a multi-million company.  We need to be investing in our future by inventing and innovating constantly. #Develop that Mind