Health crisis Now out of all other things that can hinder your business especially when you are a start up. Your health. This is a situation that requires you to be out of office for days and and be in bed. I have been recently not feeling well and had to be on house arrest,resting for days. This has been very bad for business, I can't deliver my products, can't meet clients, can't take order, can't finished ordered products, basically I couldnt do anything. And the most challenging part is having no one to take over. It is sad becuase this is one of those things that are way out of our control. But this can be utilized very wisely as a break and way to evaluate how one has been doing business, how can one improve and what innovations to bring on board.and one can finish reading that book they have been dreading. I would say Be sober and vigilent. Especially of what you put in your very very vigilent. Develop that Mind