Can we about the people who are supposed to support us and help us grow in business? I have seen about 80% of businesses fail because there was no money to buy stock or materials.Why? Because the business did not make any money to do that.
There has been a business in my Kasi selling cooked food. During the day relatives would come and dish themselves shocking amounts of Food saying they are just tasting. The business didn't even run for three months and was shut down.
We even have friends who want credit. I mean guys this is pure disrespect.
There are a lot of similar scenarios I can talk about but I am sure you get the picture. Why do we do that as black people?
We are not helping or building anything, in fact we are tearing the foundation. I think we need discipline to call these people to order. Let's stop with tendencies that keep us stagnent and poor.
Develop that mind.
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