In and out of season

Beating Time.

2 Timothy 4:2.
"Be prepared in and out of season."

Business is not always on the highs and sometimes we relax because of the state of the economy or seasons.

Recently I got a call from a client on Friday that she wants a product for Sunday morning  As on Fridays we have to make rounds and check the progress of the week, I scheduled to make it on Saturday.

 Come Saturday morning the client was at my door step saying she is here to take the product she ordered. I'm like to her, "No you said you wanted the product  Sunday morning". The client was saying no I want it now for 10:00, and that time it's 08:50.

Now it is in this moment that we see what you are really made of and how capable you are  of working under pressure.

There I was assembling  and making what the client ordered in less than an hour.

It is then very important to be able to bear fruit even in dry, unplanned, short noticed and busy seasons.

In finance we learned about the learning curve that stated that the more one does something the less time they take to do it.

So we need to perfect our service/product delivering processes to be highly effective.

Develop that mind.


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