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Pay Day

  Pay day is such a good day for those expecting to be paid. It is that day one is paid for their hard work for all these days. It is however the opposite for the employer. It is always stressful and the day is just too long, especially when the salaries are exceeding the budgeted amount. But how can one maintain this account? The contracting thing is that you can not maintain the account while keeping everyone. One must consider the unemployment rate and the one's morals when having to cut costs. But this is inevitable costs must be cut. Therefore in business one must look at the jobs that without them the business suffers and other ones be part time or be rated.  Usually payroll tends to be high for most companies but if properly managed and assessing salaries time and again will help reduce the cost and stress. Innovate and Add Value

Happy Valentine's Day

  Innovate and Add value.

Giving Up

Give up or rest? Have you ever tried your level best to achieve something but nothing seemed to work? Thats where I am right right now. I have tried and started companies but have failed. I however have not given up, I am still hoping and working towards the goal.  There is something I learned which is, some times one must not give up but take a break, rest and come back with new tectics. Innovate and add value


  One thing I have been experiencing in my business is failure . This has been very difficult and as we know that most start ups fail in the first 5 years. However with all these adversities I am still consistent is everything I am doing. This year so far has been a complete failure.  I am learning that a business is like a baby. you carry it for months, feed it, dress it, teach it  to crawl and walk . Then you have to take baby steps with it.  It is not over until the fat lady sings. Innovate and add Value


  I hope you have evaluated yourself on why you are doing the things you are doing. I assume that you have decided that you are doing what you are doing in order to build a sustainable business.  We all know what a business is, one offers a product or a service at a price. This is however not the side I am looking at this week. I want to look at the structures behind the transactions. Out of the 5 business structures we have in South Africa I am specifically looking at a company ( Pty Ltd).  This has ownership and management. Owners are the founders, and directors  and it is required that there should be a board where decisions and other matters are discussed. Then we have management(CEO,Managers) these are the people that manage the daily operations of the company.  We have to understand that you can own and not manage a company.  So when you start a business you need to decide on what you intent to do in the company. You can be owner or the manager. Howev...

In it for Business or Money?

  Business or Money In the past month we were talking prayer and how we need it to centre ourselves and find direction for our businesses. For venogeoup there is alot that has changed, there is new clientele, new feel and a clear spirit of what one is supposed to do. I hope that we continue praying and meditating. This week I would like to talk about Why we are selling what we are selling. I am touched by this topic because I have a situation in my business where my profit  has decreased, this is due to external factors like increases in prices and others.  During a particular consultation I brought up the issue and I had an idea to discontinue the course of selling the product. But I was smacked by this question " Are you doing it for money or for building a business?" At that moment I really couldn't answer the question. So I did some thinking.  We all know that businesses fail in the first 5 Years and this is because in this time we are not making any profit, what...

Prayer Habit

 This month we were looking at Prayer and how it can help us navigate business. So as I have been praying, I have been experiencing a change of direction and more power to run the business.  I have also noticed how some people have two hours of prayer on Friday.  If you have been to Marabastad  on a Friday after 12:00 you might have noticed that 90% of the shops are closed. Now this shows how one should never compromise on prayer and after the prayer you just feel a change of spirit and atmosphere.  As we wrap up the month and also in Easter season  I hope we can make prayer a habit. Pray, Innovate and Add Value.