Business or Money
In the past month we were talking prayer and how we need it to centre ourselves and find direction for our businesses.
For venogeoup there is alot that has changed, there is new clientele, new feel and a clear spirit of what one is supposed to do. I hope that we continue praying and meditating.
This week I would like to talk about Why we are selling what we are selling. I am touched by this topic because I have a situation in my business where my profit has decreased, this is due to external factors like increases in prices and others.
During a particular consultation I brought up the issue and I had an idea to discontinue the course of selling the product. But I was smacked by this question " Are you doing it for money or for building a business?" At that moment I really couldn't answer the question. So I did some thinking.
We all know that businesses fail in the first 5 Years and this is because in this time we are not making any profit, what we do is cover all costs ( Break- even) and really if we are to focus on the money and not the business we WILL fail.
I know this may somewhat contradict why we start businesses but what's the use of having businesses that do not pass the start-up stage? How many businesses do you know that have been somewhat the same ever since? And how many people do you know who stopped selling something because they say it doesn't make money?
I believe that in this 5 years we have to establish ourselves and focus on building the business. However this is very difficult to do, you have to be in it with all your might. Every little cent you get should be directed to the business.
I want us to evaluate if we are in it for business or for money?
Innovate and add value.
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