Lets get started.


Getting started again.

So since we said we are starting afresh, where do we start exactly? My number one problem and I believe it is for most people is money.  We may have ideas on how to get started but the money we make in business can only cover certain things. What do we need then? More and more money? I don’t think so. We need to establish a relationship with money, we need to understand it and have discipline to keep it, because it is more about keeping it than making it.

 But first we need to learn how to make it because we can’t keep what we don’t have.  I have come across a social Media platform where one can connect with other entrepreneurs and market their business. The interesting thing about this platform particularly is that whenever you use it, you get credits points which can be redeemable for Cash.

This alone for me is worthy of all our attention. Basically we get paid to be on the platform. But now one can ask what this has to do with business?. This is a way to get funding.  But how?

So let’s say depending on your points you are able to make R500 a month from the platform. This becomes the money you use to grow your business. With this money you can pay rent in advance, you can introduce another product, you can pay for other services (Insurance/Bookkeeping/consultation) that will assist your business and you can Invest in shares. This will expose your business to more people.

As an individual who has an idea and see potential of a profitable business. Say you make R500 from the platform, R200 you spend on personal expenses and the R300 you save for 6 months. You will be having R 1800. One may say it is not a lot but it is enough to start. You buy stock and starting selling. You continue saving the R300 for another 6 Months, then you buy stock again.  Now you will be making money selling and from the Platform. In a year you would achieve a lot.

These examples however need discipline.  You cannot want to wear a shoe costing R1500 while trying to start a business. And for ladies, you cannot want to do hair and nails costing R500 or more. We have to deprive ourselves of certain things until we are up and running 

 What is the cost of using this Platform? Well it is only data and this is an expense we already have.

Innovate and add value.


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