Everyone in business is having a hard time dealing with the disruption and innovation brought forth by the forth industrial revolution.
This means one has to be ahead of every one. This move can benefitial for companies as they will be cutting costs from the the redundancy of human labour.
More work will be done in less time as well as at a lower cost . But if we look at the other hand. The labours are left hanging because their skills are no longer in demand.
How then is the government going to convince us that the people will get employment.? In the SONA 2019, President C Ramaphosa promised millions of jobs to South Africans, but what kind of employment was he refering to if he didn't even touch on small businesses?
What does this mean for the businesses in the rural areas?
It means they must educate themselves about this 4IR and how it will benefit and impact their traditional ways of doing business. We can fool ourselves about creating more jobs but I tell you this is nothing but a bad joke.
The solution is learning how we can use technology to solve the problems we are faced with in our communities.
We need to bury the mentality of having to be employed and start with innovation.
Woe unto those who are lazy and never want to be out of their comfort zone.
Develop that Mind.
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