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Do not be the business, run the business

Run the business. 

Many businesses are ran by people who call themselves business people.
But actually most of the businesses are job producing equity.
What I mean is that they are no different than those employed. . For example you find someone who has been  operating for more than 2 years with no employees, the person starts with cleaning, help customers  and then they make payments to him.
If the person is not around or maybe he goes to the restroom the business stops operating. Some times you find only casual workers , employees come and go.

This is one of the things that hinder people from growing and expanding their territories.
As started before, it's all in the mind. One must educate the mind and learn how big companies like Shoprite, Apple and Amazon are able to make billion of dollars/ rands annually.

We need businesses that will reach  many people  while adding value to the lives of the people in Africa as a whole.

We therefore need to stop being the business and start running the business. This will enhance the economic well-being of the country especially the people in the rural areas


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