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More on money

Financial literacy   As we are still on the issue of money. Money is our everyday need. As it is said " it makes the world go round" Since money is a crucial concept you would wonder why  it not taught at school. And there are a lot of arguments on this issue. But now we need to educate ourselves financially and we should not expect this from the government. Business is about money and the operation of money. So get hold of the books mentioned in this blog and you will be on your way to financial freedom. Once you are financial literate you will understand how money works and how to make more in your business.  You will see that the money from the business is not to fund your     lifestyle but to grow, create wealth and contribute to the economy. Develop yourself.

Brainwash your money problems away

Let's wash that brain away. How do we then  brainwash our selves? Well we have the luxury of the internet, now this is the greatest place where you can find everything. We have Youtube where we get podcastes, audiobooks, motivational videos and seminars.  We also have e-books. There is plenty of fish in the sea. Here is a list of books to read. *Rich dad poor dad-Robert Kiyosaki *The art of hustling - DJ SBU *Is your thinking keeping you poor?-Douglas Kruger *The science of being rich - Wallace d Wattles  *Start with why- Simon Sinek *Think and grow Rich - Napoleon Hill *As a man thinkers - James The Allen  Develop that Mind.


What about money? Right so everyone has that one amazing idea or that great business.  But as we  all know everything needs money. How do we then innovate,grow and expand if we do not have the  money? People go into business for different reasons  One of them is, in the rural areas to be specific  that people are unemployed and they seek a way of making a living. Now this becomes an ihinderance to growth because whatever profit is made goes to buy electricity,food, clothes and other basic things people need. How then does one grow the business if this is the everyday life.? I mean we cannot blame and expect them to go hungry whilst they have a running business. Others must be taken to school with the same money. So there is no way we can grow if the purpose of starting the business was not to grow. This is where we then need to brainwash or unlearn some of the reasoning and beliefs we have. We then need to read business books,  watch or...


  Why not compete? Competition  is inevitable everywhere , people always want to be part of all the profitable markets , that's the business system. The issue is how do we deal with competition and how do we ensure that our services or products add more value than the others? I believe when one is faced with competition " Your Why" should direct you and help capture the market. But as you know how black people are, we want to eliminate the competition as soon as we see it, we tend to focus more on the outside factors instead of being strategic and aiming for innovation. Things in business almost always never go according to plan but one must find ways to stay relevant and to continue with the vision. Competition is our number one enemy and  this then hinders our progress . We need to learn that it's an inside out factor not vice versa.

Experience or innovation?

Think big or go home.  In the past week I have been talking to business people in my area and gave one or two some financial advice. But I have been getting a similar response from most of them. There is this thing of how long the person has been in business and how much they know about what they do and how one can not tell them anything they do not know. I was concern about this because clearly the experience has not served them any good.  What I mean is that what's the use of being in business for 6 years and still have one shop, same or no permanent/ stable employees, and still in the same building that you started in?  To me I see no innovation, no value adding and no improvements. The point I am stressing is that it does not matter how long you have been doing it , as long as you are thinking big and expanding. We need to strive to be big and I mean have more than 10 shops at different areas, we need to employ more than 100 people, we need to make mor...

Unemployment. Employ your mind.

   What about employment.? South Afrika is currently faced with high rates of unemployment, the youth  is mostly affected.  Many graduates can not find employment and since it will be elections soon we see people being lied to about job creations. I mean how will the goverment provide that meanwhile it can not sustain its own operations, we had retrenchment at the SABC Last year, SAA is still not doing well and not to even mention billi ons of debts by Eskom. The government itself can not provide employment but what it can do is to enable platforms for job creations such as easy regulations, land and funding for business  and then these businesses can create employment. How then do we go about doing this? Young people need to be radical thinkers, game changers, innovators and must want to go the extra mile.  The only employment that is needed is that of our minds.  We can not all be dependent on employment.  We have people complaining...