Resilience is the back bone of business. If you lack this bone you won’t be able to stand. It is being able to recover quickly after a difficulty. As a start-up or rather any business there is usually an abundance of difficulties, you lack this, need that, can’t have that or whatever. But with all these adversities resilience should be your number one strength. I was reflecting on how now one can do anything just with the use of an App, this is really amazing if you think about it. Now this also indicates how quickly the market and the economy fluctuate and just how fast you have to change and adapt, imagine now if you were taking forever to recover? How can you then survive in this fast paced economy? Just after a long time of being silent I am reporting back that the fight is still far from being over, we innovate, we add value, we move.
We talk about thought provoking issues affecting businesses in the rural areas of South Africa and how to innovate, excel and create wealth for the coming generation.