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Showing posts from June, 2020


I have realised that time is such an important factor in business. The availability of your product/service is very critical. Customers want to always get what they want whenever they want.  How do you then meet such demand? Well you open an hour before your competitors and close an hour after they closed. There are also other ways one can  explore to always avail their offerings. We also have to mind lead time, imagine someone waiting an hour for a kota? This is just crazy. But what about value? Should value be compromised because of time.? Of course no! Quality and value addition is what drives a business.  We have to teach our employees to always add value at a fast pace. But then again how do we do that? We just have to do and find ways that suite our businesses. Rather have more employees than have customers wait for long. Value is more important in this era. More value results to more clientele. Time is all we have, time is money.Literally!. Innovate and add value.


As a start up of anything. We  lack funds and there is no one who is willing to just fund you, no matter how much you need.  Now one has to marry the idea of having to do what one must do in order to do what one wants to do. Now this is not easy, this could be taking a part time Job, selling in the streets, any other  side hustle you can do, do it.   Always keep your eyes on the goal even if sometimes  it means derailing for some time just to make some cash. Innovate and add value.

Company registrations

Here is something I found Interesting and innovative. No more hassle of going up and down for days trying to register your business. The First National Bank( FNB) has partnered with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)for your convenience. You can now register your company and open a business account with FNB at the same time. This is great right? Here is the link where you can register at your finger tips Innovate and Add value.

Not Gone!

It has been such a long time not posting in the blog.  The past few months have been hectic.  Entrepreneurship is hectic itself . Operating under the lockdown restrictions has been challenging and one had to mind one's health. It has been nothing but hustle, day in and day out. But we fight,we move and we innovate.  Now we will be operating in level 3, we are hoping for better and innovative ways of doing business. Innovate and add value