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Showing posts from April, 2020

Despair Not!

Change is something we want but fear and right now change is inevitable. Since the lockdown a lot has changed, how we work, how we eat, how we relate to people. Actually everything has changed.  This we know. I now find it very wrong to be waiting for the lockdown to end then go back to how things were, the thing is that things are definitely not going back to how they were. Personally I think we need to be on our toes  finding great things to do online because that's there only platform we can roam around and minding the law and regulations governing the lockdown. We shouldn't be just on survival mode but we need to find life and adjust to this change. Is it now that we have to embrace the present because we don't know what tomorrow holds.  We don't know if President Ramaohosa will extent the lockdown by another two weeks or months, we really don't know. Amid all difficulties let's find life and embrace it.


We are proud  to announce that we now have Podcasts available for streaming.  We saw it fit to have these Podcasts since we are in lockdown and by this time we were supposed to be having business talks.  The business talks will be delivered through podcasts and we will take it from there. is the official website for the podcasts. The podcasts are also available in other platforms: Spotify-  - Breaker -  RadioPublic - Venogroup is looking forward to your views and engagements. Innovate and add value