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Showing posts from February, 2020


This is one interesting tool that businesses must employ. Automation basically is having systems  that are running in your absence.   In times like these the business must have computers and systems that do the job on your behalf .This saves time and exposes one to new  opportunities. This is a follow up on you as a business person " not to be the business" but run the business. How can one automate.? Well it is depended on your business. Therefore one has to find best books on automation for  businesses. Here are a few suggestions. # Daniel Hall - Easy ways to automate your business. #Tom knowles - Systemize,Automate,Delegate. #Valeri Little- Automate your Business. Innovate and add value .


So when in crisis what do you do? What strategies do you usually implement? Are they useful? How often do you revisit them and make changes? Leave your comments below.