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Showing posts from March, 2019
Changing the Mindset first. Now following the last posts I am finding it very important one redefine education. Education is a continues learning process and this is not limited to a classroom learning.  We then need to unlearn everything we think we know about business and start learning from people who have been in business, I mean a book can cost you from R120 depending on where you shop. We even have the luxury of the internet where we can download some more books at a small cost.  This is how we then change the mindset, also with the people we follow on the social media we need to change such small things in order to get in line with business. The mindset of a business person should not be ordinary because now you need to be addressing problems that  people are facing and this requires a different point of view. With this said I encourage people to try and learn things from different sources, there is a quote that says " A person that is only educated at sch...

Back to basics

Basic principles of Business People get into business for various reasons, be it profit, be it to support their families or just to have a source of income. If you are in the rural areas you get to be affected by almost the same issues.   The biggest problem I  would say it is the lack of basic principles about how to run a business, this we see in businesses having a life expectancy of less than 5 years or if it exceed such years it barely does well. Well there is no one to blame really I mean as black people what we really know is how to be workers. Workers understand showing up for work and get paid month end regardless of how business is doing. How do we then move from such a mentality to being responsible for the marketing, finance and operation of an entire business?


Dear Reader.  I welcome you to my blog where I will be addressing issues and topics that are very crucial for businesses in the Rural areas of South Africa. I hope we have a wonderful journey together and I look forward to learning from you all. #RuralBusiness